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Gus is designing a cylinder to ship liquids using the constraints given.

The inside of the cylinder must hold from 475475 to 480480 cubic centimeters of liquid.

The diameter must be at least 8 centimeters and at most 1010 centimeters.

Which of the following radius and corresponding height, in centimeters, for the inside of a cylinder that meets the constraints? Round the answers to the nearest tenth.

Select all that apply :

Radius =4.5 cm=4.5 {~cm}, height =7.5 cm=7.5 {~cm}

Radius =4.5 cm=4.5 {~cm}, height =9.5 cm=9.5 {~cm}

Radius =4.75 cm=4.75 {~cm}, height =9.56 cm=9.56 {~cm}

Radius =4.75 cm=4.75 {~cm}, height =8.5 cm=8.5 {~cm}

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