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Riya is applying mulch to her garden. She applies it at a rate of 250,0000 cm3250,0000 {~cm}^{3} of mulch for every m2{m}^{2} of garden space. At what rate is Riya applying mulch in m3m2?\frac{m^{3}}{m^{2}} ?

Select all that apply :

0.25 m3/m20.25 {~m}^{3} / {m}^{2}

250 m3/m2250 {~m}^{3} / {m}^{2}

2.5 m3/m22.5 {~m}^{3} / {m}^{2}

25 m3/m225 {~m}^{3} / {m}^{2}

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