To estimate the area of the circle, Henry divides a circle of radius into triangles, as shown, and uses the expression to estimate the area of the circle. In the expression, variables upto represent the base lengths of each triangle and represents the height of each triangle.
Henry claims that the more triangles the circle is divided into, the closer the estimated area will be to the actual area.
Which statement about Henry’s claim is accurate?
His claim is accurate because as gets larger, the value of gets closer to the value of and the value of approaches .
His claim is accurate because as gets larger, the value of gets closer to the value of and the value of approaches .
His claim is inaccurate because as gets larger, the value of gets closer to the value of and the value of deviates from .
His claim is inaccurate because as gets larger, the value of gets closer to the value of and the value of deviates from .
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