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A cone and a sphere have the same volume. The height of the cone is 9696 units.

What could be the relation between the radius of the cone and the sphere?

Select all that apply :

(radius of the sphere )3^{3}=(radius of the cone )2×24^{2} \times 24

(radiusofthesphere)2=( radius of the cone )3×24(radius of the sphere )^2=(\text { radius of the cone })^3 \times 24

(radiusofthesphere)3=( radius of the cone )2×96(radius of the sphere )^3=(\text { radius of the cone })^2 \times 96

(radiusofthesphere)2=( radius of the cone )3×96(radius of the sphere )^2=(\text { radius of the cone })^3 \times 96

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