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The function M(x)M(x) models the height, in meters above street level, of the tip of the minute hand of the Abraj Al Bait clock at xx minutes after midnight.

The expression H(x){H}({x}) models the height, in meters above street level, of the tip of the hour hand at xx minutes after midnight.

M(x)=430+23cos(π30x)M(x)=430+23 \cos (\frac{\pi}{30} x)

H(x)=430+17cos(π360x)H(x)=430+17 \cos (\frac{\pi}{360} x)

Consider the following equation:

y=(430+23cos(π3045))(430+17cos(π36045))y=|(430+23 \cos (\frac{\pi}{30} \cdot 45))-(430+17 \cos (\frac{\pi}{360} \cdot 45))|

What does the solution set for the last equation represent?

Select all that apply :

The difference in the heights of the tips at 4545 minutes after midnight

The set of differences in heights of the tips every 4545 minutes.

The set of all numbers of minutes after midnight when the tips are the same height

The number of minutes after midnight when the tips are 4545 minutes apart.

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