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Statistics Gseb Class 9 Maths Problems and Solutions

Many students find Statistics for Gseb Class 9 particularly challenging. Strengthen your concepts and gain confidence for your exams by solving free questions for Statistics from for Gseb Class 9 preparation.

GSEB Class 9
English > Maths > All > Statistics

If $$\bar{x}$$ represents the mean of $$n$$ observations $$x_{1},x_2\cdots, x_n $$, then value of !......
Level 1
If each observation of the data is increased by $$5$$ , then their mean......
Level 1
Let $$\bar{x}$$ be the mean of $$x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_n$$ and $$\bar{y}$$ the mean of $$y_1, y_2, \ld......
Level 1
The mean of $$100$$ observations is $$50 $$. If one of the observations which were $$50$$ is replace......
Level 1
Sum of all values of variable divided by the number of values is called the __......
Level 1
Arithmetic mean is affected by......
Level 1
Mean $$(\bar{x})$$ for raw data $$=$$......
Level 1
Mean $$(\bar{x})$$ when frequency is given $$=$$......
Level 1
Find the mean of first six odd numbers.......
Level 1
Mean of first 10 natural numbers is :......
Level 1
Mean of first five prime numbers is :......
Level 1
Mean of $$15$$ observations is $$23$$ . If each observation is multiplied by $$2,$$ find new mean.......
Level 1
For the given data : $$11,15,17, y+1,19, y-2,3 ;$$ if the mean is $$14,$$ find the value of $$y$$......
Level 1
The median of the data $$78,56,22,34,45,54,39,68, 54,84$$ is......
Level 1
Median of the following numbers : $$4,4,5,7,6,7,7, 12,3$$ is......
Level 1
Value of middle most observation is......
Level 1
Last cumulative frequency is the sum of total of all......
Level 1
Median $$=$$ observation if $$(n)$$ is odd.......
Level 1
If $$(n)$$ is even, then median $$=$$......
Level 1
Median of the given data is $$144,145,147,148,149,150,152,155,160$$......
Level 1