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Heights And Distances Icse Class 10 Maths Problems and Solutions

Many students find Heights And Distances for Icse Class 10 particularly challenging. Strengthen your concepts and gain confidence for your exams by solving free questions for Heights And Distances from for Icse Class 10 preparation.

ICSE Class 10
English > Maths > All > Heights And Distances

If the height of a vertical pole is $$\sqrt{3}$$ times the length of its shadow on the ground, then ......
Level 1
The length of shadow of a tree is $$16 {~m}$$ when the angle of elevation of the sun is $$60^{\circ}......
Level 1
In figure, a tower AB is $$20 {~m}$$ high and $${BC}$$, its shadow on the ground, is $$20 \sqrt{3} {......
Level 1
There are two balcony in a house. First balcony is at a height of $$3 {~m}$$ above the ground and ot......
Level 1
A cyclist is climbing through a $$20 {~m}$$ long rope which is highly stretched and tied from the to......
Level 1
![]( A group of students of c......
Level 1
![]( A group of students of c......
Level 1
![]( A girl $$8 {~m}$$ tall s......
Level 1
From the top of light house, $$40 {~m}$$ above the water, the angle of depression of a small boat is......
Level 2
A tree breaks due to storm and the broken part bends so that the top of the tree touches the ground ......
Level 2
The tops of two towers of height $$x$$ and $$y$$, standing on the ground, subtend the angles of $$30......
Level 2
From the top of a $$7 {~m}$$ high building the angle of elevation of the top of a tower is $$60^{\ci......
Level 2
Skysails' is that genre of engineering science that uses extensive utilization of wind energy to mov......
Level 2
Skysails' is that genre of engineering science that uses extensive utilization of wind energy to mov......
Level 2
![]( There are two balcony in......
Level 2
![]( There are two balcony in......
Level 2
![]( A cyclist is climbing th......
Level 2
![]( A group of students of c......
Level 2
![]( A group of students of c......
Level 2
![]( A group of students of c......
Level 2